Our Story
"I would spend hours folding napkins into intricate triangles and learning to fashion pockets for the utensils, long before the days of YouTube tutorials."
- Kelly Gaudreau, Founder

From chore to passion
Growing up, my daily chore was setting the dinner table. This sparked an early love of tabletop. From a young age, I wanted to “wow” my family, even for our regular Wednesday night roast beef and mashed potatoes. I would spend hours folding napkins into intricate triangles and learning to fashion pockets for the utensils, long before the days of YouTube tutorials.
My parents entertained often and made the ultimate hosting duo. My mother was a wonderful cook. She dressed to perfection beneath the apron she wore until she joined the table. My father was an interior designer, passionate and gifted in making things beautiful. He was, like me, a true Gemini and lover of gatherings. Entertaining was the embodiment of his generous and talented spirit. He believed that opening your home meant opening your heart.
As a little girl, I watched my father set the dining room table for holidays and dinner parties. I followed closely behind, doing quality control. I ensured that the flowers on the china were correctly aligned and the glasses were in their proper place. My parents believed it was important for children to watch and learn. I loved seeing that table come to life. But, even more, I loved the life at that table. It was the place for the ordinary every day and also a stage for life’s big announcements, milestones, and celebrations.
H O S T E D was born from these sweet memories, a passion for gathering and a love for all things beautiful. It is a home for artful and unique tabletop pieces sourced from around the globe. The collections are thoughtfully chosen to stir excitement to entertain and spark joy in every guest welcomed.
Life’s greatest moments are waiting. Open your home and your heart. Host and be hosted.